May 9, 2015

Blue Dragon - 2nd X-Stitch Project Update

Hello my friends.  I wanted to do a WIP (Work in progress) update on my second cross stitch project.  My first project is called The Twisted Band Sampler and I showed that update last week.  My second project is a pretty intense one called 'Blue Dragon' from Heaven and Earth Designs.
I started this project on 4/22/15 and I figure it will take me a year or more to finish.  It's a pretty detailed chart and if I worked on it 100% of the time it would drive me crazy!!!  So it's one of my rotated projects and working on it one week a month will mean I'll finish it a LONG, LONG, time from now.
Here are some pictures of my progress from one complete week...
I have to laugh...when I look at the last picture above I can see things starting to take shape...but it's still really hard to figure out what it is....

Next week I'll give you an update on my 3rd rotation project.  I hope you enjoyed the above update.
Thanks for stopping by.


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